north of our home - 2009
When our three older children were small, the responsibility of motherhood became overwhelming at times (actually, a lot of the time!). Whenever my father-in-law sensed the 'ship was sinking', he would look me in the eyes and say, "Nancy, you have two summers and a winter ahead of you. You can do this."
across the street from my home - 2009
You have to know that Dad W. was not know for his optimism. He was a chronic worrier who seemed to always be waiting for and expecting the worst. So it was completely out of character for him to offer such optimism. And the thing is - he would start saying this as early as October (September if necessary). Sometimes it was encouraging and sometimes it just made me mad - especially if we were just heading in to winter. "We're not headed in to summer - we are just barely headed in to a looonnnnggg winter - with three little children and a husband in school - he doesn't know how hard this is! (and on and on . . .)", I would think to myself as I struggled to feel confident in my ability to survive one more day let alone one more winter.
Pumpkin, I know how you feel! - 2009
Looking back, I now appreciate his attempts (some more successful than others) to offer me hope during a time of my life that was filled with seemingly endless dirty diapers, sticky hands and busy children. You know, he was right. No matter where we are in the calendar year, I know there will always be two summers and a winter ahead of me if I can just hang on.
Miami - October 2009
And so I bid January a fond farewell!
I think there's a summer waiting just around the corner!?!
Miami - October 2009
I can still hear Dad's words ringing in my ears!
On the other hand, you and I are opposite in season preferences.
Dad's insight that "we had 2 winters, and only 1 summer"....was GOOD news to me! (My students' nickname for me, "Mrs. Polar Bear", fit like a glove!)
Now spring or fall....THAT's a whole different story! I welcome THOSE with PURE JOY!
Sounds like you are already getting Spring Fever too? :)
Thanks for sharing this good advice. Your pictures are beautiful! Pumpkin looks so cute sitting in snow. Oh how I wish I were on that Miami beach right now... Listening to the waves, sipping an ice cold drink and enjoying sand and sun.
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