

Dress - $159

Shoes - $28

Necklace & Earrings - $12

Headband - $12

Stylist - Free babysitting

A daughter who knows that
'modest is hottest'. (her words)

A mom who knows her daughter
lives the Young Women values -


Jason & Kelli West said...

she looks so beautiful. Modest IS the HOTtest!! LOve the post Nancy, and thanks for the babysitting. the boys sure love you and your little racoon... :)

Stephanie said...

She looks so great and she IS a great girl! I wish we had been there to participate in the festivities!

Nancy B. said...

Thanks to my proofreaders for catching my 'is' goof! You're right - she IS hottest and IS a great girl!

Christine said...

What a lovely dress, fancy pair of shoes, brilliant earrings/Necklace and hair accessory for such a beautiful, virtuous young lady!