
Oh What A Difference Three Days Make . . .

From this (July 4th) . . .

to this (July 7th)!



Announcing the safe arrival of
Bradley West
6 lb 12 oz, 18 inches

and his twin brother
Jensen West
6 lb 6 oz, 18 inches.

Jensen arrived at 11:40 p.m.
and Bradley arrived at 11:41 p.m.
via C-section.
We think they may
be identical!

Mother, babies, father,
aunts, uncles
and cousins
are doing fine.
We are humbled and
blessed by
their safe arrival.

Dad reintroducing the boys
after their brief separation
following birth.


Really Wild West Mama said...

Thanks for sharing THE NEWS Nancy!!! What an EXCITING night you all must have had! Give Kelli, Jason, Bradley and Jensen, a hug for me, k??!!

Stephanie said...

LOVE the picture of Jason and Robert hugging and Jason "reintroducing" the boys. Enjoy being a new grandma again (as if I have to tell you to do that)!

The Shelley Family said...

Congrats :) They are beautiful!

Christine said...

Congratulations to you! What handsome little boys. What sweet bundles of joy! I was sorry to have left without visting once more. Enjoy holding your precious new grandbabies.