
Still Faithful . . .

Happy Anniversary, Mr. W.

Is that a halo on Mr. W?


Jason & Kelli West said...

Happy Anniversary Nancy and Robert. We love you guys.

Really Wild West Mama said...

Seems like just a blink ago that Robert was 12 at our wedding!

Then, before we knew it, he was introducing us to YOU, Nancy! What a joy it has been to be your Sister (in law...)! You've always been such an inspiration!!!

Happy Anniversary to you both, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Robert, (this Sunday...)!!! You'll always be a "Man of Courage" to me!!

The Shelley Family said...

Happy Anniversary :)
I remember when YOU and Uncle Robert were celebrating YOUR 17th Wedding anniversary....and now WE just celebrated OUR 17th!
Its sure neat when u can say that you have been married AND faithful after many years together ;)
Here's to hoping hearts flutter for many many more years :)
Happy Anniversary~Love you two~

Christine said...

Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful bride and handsome groom.

Renee said...

Browsing through you posts I noticed this incredibly good looking couple married the year I gave birth to my last child. Hope you had a very happy anniversary!